Friday, February 13, 2015

Why I Lift

For you my Garret
For you my Morgan
For you Charmaine
For you Chesi
For you Monic
For you André
For you Rina
For you Tiny
For you Uzzel
For you Suzette
For you Christine
For you Caelyn
For you Helene
For you Jaxene

With every breath caught
And bead of sweat formed
For every muscle stretched
For every time my body
screams no more

I chalk my hands
I position my feet, knees,
legs, hips
I grip the barbell
I can do this
I can lift this
Rip it from the ground
And get underneath
I stand back up

Breathe, reset, repeat

Isn't that
What we were taught
As kids?

To pray.
Every night and every day.

Here's what we do:
Close our eyes
Position our feet, knees,
Hands, palms
Say fervently
Bless everyone we love
Give us strength
And we believe
Miracles happen
Then we stand
And breathe
Live another day
And repeat

What is prayer after all?
Isn't it anything done out of

Perhaps I don't do church but
I lift and when I do
It is prayer
For all of you.

“Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”
― Rumi

Strength / Skill:
30Sec Plank
30Sec Off
30Sec Hollow Rocks
30Sec off
10 min EMOM of
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 High Hang Clean
1 Squat Clean
3 RFT of
3 Squat Cleans 30kg
6 Chest to bar pull ups
20 Meter Farmer's Carry

Monday, February 2, 2015


After a long time, the hubby and I finally got back to Crossfit Pintados in Cebu. A long overdue visit. It was time to rejuvenate, to drink from the well of positive energy, wellness and community. Still struggling with cough and colds, I decided to still do the WODs. I was sick for almost two weeks and I was sick of being sick. (Anybody relate?)

Needless to say, I did not finish one of the WODs, as Coach Jayson, upon seeing my fire engine-red face after the third round, decided that I not continue. After catching my breath, my brain was working over time, firing lessons I needed to learn from this humbling experience. 

1. I am not wonder woman, black widow or whoever superhero there is out there. Not even a nuance thereof. I. am. human. When my body says it's time to rest. I need to Listen. No shame in saying, I can't do this. For now.

2. When I lift the barbell or throw that wall ball way up in the air, I need to use my hips, my core. Where all power and strength comes. The arms can only do so much. But when I learn to be aware where my power and strength comes, and move my body accordingly, amazing things happen. I am able to throw that dreaded wall ball 9 feet high and thrust that dreaded barbell up and over my head.

A recurring lesson: Do things from where your heart is, where your passion lies.
  Otherwise, you'll burn out. Obligation can only do so much. Desire on the other hand can make you do amazing things. Actually achieving your dreams, for one. And when this happens, you shine so much positive energy to those around you that they cannot help but be inspired and finally decide to follow their passions as well. When this happens, imagine how better our community, our world could be.

In the same manner, we need people who lift us up, propel us up, not drag us down. Learn to sift through the pile. Again and again. If we can't find any, we have got to learn to lift ourselves up. There is only strength and wisdom to be gained.

3. Don't be afraid to go heavy. Heavy on the lifts. Heavy in volume. That's the only way your core and quads will activate.

Conflict, adversity, struggle is inevitable. As certain as the sun rises.  It is not something to overcome. It is something one has to learn to live with and be stronger, become more human because of it.

When adversity comes, when people do what they are bound to do-- hurt us, there's no shame in admitting," I am hurt." That only means something or someone is , has been important to us. And that is exactly what we should work towards -- to be more human, To feel more deeply. To care more genuinely. To be more open to life's tragedies and miracles.

4. Scale accordingly. "Start where you are. Use what you have." Be aware of how your body moves, the position of your feet, the weight on your heels, how you stabilize your core. Work with what your body can do. Stop comparing yourself with others. Love your body and how it progresses. But work on getting stronger.  Then work your way up.

We are all trying to make it in this life. We all are. With every choice we make, the paths we forge and bridges we need to burn. We are choosing with the mental and emotional capacity, maturity and  wisdom that we have from the life experiences we have had as of the moment. With each choice, we learn, learn better and we become better, however we define better to be.

Remember what is important: Progress not perfection.

This is exactly why I love Crossfit. Everytime I'm inside the box, I'm actually learning outside the box. Life skills and wisdom that can only be gained with an open mind, an open heart and open nostrils (ha!), ripped palms, knees to the ground, arms outstretched to the skies.

And this is why I write. To cement the lessons that have come from every thruster, snatch or run. To make memories last longer. So I can go back to and gather strength from them especially during those times when times get rough. To celebrate the person I have become every time my body screams bloody murder. To be grateful for having been given this amazing opportunity to be transformed time and again, to have been given a second chance everyday to become a better person, to becoming more human. 

Somewhere along the way, I may have forgotten what it truly is to live. I spend my life with fists raised to protect myself from failure. Unknowingly with a mindset like this, I have lost touch with the very essence of the life the Universe has gifted me with.

I am human. And I should celebrate my being one. Every time I stray away from my "humanness", I should strive to always find my way back.

Crossfit lets me find my way back. All the time.

What a truly blessed human I am!

Photo Description: Image is my left hand, palm ripped, which by the way does not even come close to what those 44  police officers experienced and what their families are going through right now,  from the Hero WOD we conquered to honor the fallen 44 SAF police officers in the battle of Mamapasano on January 25, 2015.